Teachers, Parents, Students- Together Promoting Success

Design and Technology

Design and Technology Curriculum at Thingwall


Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:


  • develop the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently and to participate successfully in an increasingly technological world
  • build and apply a repertoire of knowledge, understanding and skills in order to design and make high-quality prototypes and products for a wide range of users
  • critique, evaluate and test their ideas and products and the work of others
  • understand and apply the principles of nutrition and learn how to cook.

At Thingwall Primary School we deliver the Design and Technology curriculum through the ‘Projects on a Page scheme of work. ‘Projects on a Page’ is a national scheme of work comprising twenty-one Project Planners designed to help implement the National Curriculum for D&T in an imaginative way.

The scheme details teaching objectives and outcomes for skills to be covered ensuring an appropriate balance and distribution of work across each term.  Practitioners tailor activities according to pupil interest and ability, these activities build upon prior learning and provide opportunities to develop skills, knowledge and understanding.   


Design and Technology for all


It is our aim at Thingwall to provide a broad and challenging experience within the Design and Technology curriculum.  Practitioners plan and respond to the needs of all individuals so all children can be happy and achieve.

The children will undertake Design and Technology activities termly. Teaching approaches are at the discretion of the practitioner, depending upon cohort and individual need. Cross curricular weeks may outline elements of Design and Technology so children can enjoy a relevant and practical approach to learning. The needs of all pupils are considered when planning activities- activities and expected outcomes may vary for individuals or groups of children. Resources are used to provide differentiation e.g. the use of two different scales of construction kits, and pupils who have difficulties with practical tasks are be given extra adult support.  When pupils carry out design, make and evaluate tasks differentiation can include by outcome.  This enables pupils with particular strength and ability to be further challenged and ensure the confidence and enjoyment of learning remains.

The curriculum is delivered to ensure equality of opportunity so each pupil can achieve his/her potential.  Opportunities are provided for children to explore topics and themes relevant to the curriculum from a general point of view, and include opportunities to explore the perception of others to challenge stereotypes. 



Design and Technology will be assessed using Thingwall’s Assessment Focus for the Progression of Skills taken from the National Curriculum Aims, Weaving Skills and Knowledge Focus document at the end of a unit. Each Year group has a Floor Book to ensure coverage year by year. Sequence of learning is seen on the school’s Design and Technology Long Term Overview


Design and Technology in Foundation Stage

Within the Early Years Foundation Stage, Design Technology is delivered through the area of Expressive Arts and Design: Creating with Materials. The children work towards the Early Learning Goals as set out in the EYFS through continuous provision and adult-directed activities.

During the Early Years, children develop their confidence in speaking about their ideas and using talk to organise, sequence and clarify ideas, thoughts and events whilst listening and responding to the ideas expressed by others. When making a model or a product they begin to select resources with help, use equipment appropriately and safely to effect changes to materials and begin to handle tools, objects, construction and malleable materials safely and with increasing control. Their questioning about aspects of their familiar world as well as enquiry skills into how or why things work will be nurtured and they will begin to understand the need for variety in food and what a healthy diet consists of, understanding how hygiene and eating contribute to good health.